Monday, 18 June 2018

Closet types and ideas

There are many types of closets that can be incorporated in a home. Back in 19th and early 20th centuries, homes were generally bigger and could accomodate the different closets. Luxury homes still have some of these spaces however, with the concept of simple living being adoped, these spaces are getting converted to larger multi-use closets with most items being accomodated in wardrobes/ walk-in closets and pantries. These then become custom closets incorporating the specific items required.

The different types of closets include:
1.Airing Cupboard – This is a closet that accomodates the water heater. Nowadays, this closet is not necessary due to new designs of other heating solutions such as instant showers, under counter heaters and solar panels.
2. Broom /Janitors closet – This closet is used for storage of cleaning items such as vacuum cleaners, buckets and mops, brooms and cleaning supplies. The function for this room has been extended to accomodate all items intended to be stored in a Utility closet.
3. Linen closet – These closets were designed to accomodate linen such as bedding, towels and washcloths. They are located near bathrooms/bedrooms along corridors as they are intended to serve all bedrooms. This closet is one that can be retained if there is space.
4. Coat closet – This is a closet located near the door used to store coats and hats. This closet is mostly common in areas with extreme weather such as snow or rain. It is used to store raincoats or heavy warm coats that one can easily pick on the way out.
5. Pantry – Pantries are storages in kitchens used to store food, dishes and linen. Based on the design, pantries can also be used to store kitchen electronics such as blenders, friers etc.
6. Custom closet – This is the most common type of closet, mostly multi-functional. It accomodates more functions than one.
 7.Clothes closet – This is a closet found in every home and is used to store clothes.

Depending on the size and type of home, there are four types of closets one can have: compact, medium, large and expansive.
A compact wardrobe is generally what is refered to as a “Wardrobe/Armoire”. The earliest type of a wardrobe was a chest. Chests would have drawers and all clothes would be folded. Low height chests would be used to store shoes while taller chests with drawers would be used to store clothes. These were maintained until some form of luxury was acquired in castles and palaces where wardrobes with a place to hang clothes were developed. Wardrobes are more common because they can be bought as loose items from furniture shops or can be built in.
Medium closets are larger than wardrobes and  are built into the wall. They are largely refered to as “reach-in” closets. These closets are one walled and length is dependent on space available. Shelves, drawers and hanging rods are incorporated to accomodate a variety of clothes. In some cases, dressing tables can also be included with a passport and long mirror. Sliding doors fitting in pockets or sliding on wall are installed to enclose the closet when not in use. Curtains can also be used for this purpose.
“Walk-in-closets” are classified as large closets. They are a small room fitted with shelves used to accomodate clothes, shoes and bags. Depending on the size of space, shelving can be created on one wall hence refered to as “One-walled closet”, on the two walls facing each other referred to as a “Galley closet”, on the side and front wall and hence refered to as “L-shaped closet” or on all the 3 walls and hence refered to as “U shaped closet”. The size and location of the shelves and drawers is based on the user.
Expansive closets are luxurious walk in closets. These type of closets consits of anything that the user may want like a couch/sitting bench, an island, safe etc. A wash hand basin with hot water connection may also be included to be used to freshen up or to clean hands/face.  A laundry basket and built in ironing board are common elements that ensure all functions are accomodated within the closet. The design for this is purely based on the clients taste and budget.
Inspiration pour le Journee
The greatest challenge with closets is how to keep it neat and organised. Nikki Boyd in her HOME ORGANISATION video shares tips on how to organise a master closet. See video below for inspiration. 

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