Sunday, 25 February 2018

Selecting sanitary ware

For a very long period of time, sanitary ware was not considered as elements that could affect the design and function of a home. People purchased sanitary ware based on how much they cost; the cheaper the better. Most people went for standard elements, how they looked did not matter. During a remodel, most people ask the contractor to supply and install what he feels could work. This may be a quicker option however, it is very important for one to procure this components themselves. Luckily, there are very many brands and suppliers of sanitary ware in most parts of the world and hence this has become easier. These brands have different characteristics which may or may not work for everyone.  Therefore, there is a need to meet the supplier and discuss the different fittings based on what one would like for their home.
What should one look out for when selecting sanitary ware?
Most people would pick “How it looks” as the most important element. However, there are other factors that one should consider.
  1. Conditions of the environment and Water consumption
  2. Available space
  3. Functionality and the User
  4.  Design
  5. Authenticity and Warranties
1. Conditions of the environment and Water consumption
This is by far the most important characteristic to look out for when selecting sanitary ware. The general site condition is important because manufacturers have researched on different factors affecting the life of sanitary ware and have come up with products that counter these problems. For example, salinity of water in some environments. Water with high concentration of salts causes discoloration of the faucets with a greenish blue element and eventually crumble away. Copper fittings are the least resistant in saline environments. Plastic in this environment works best as it is easy to clean with homemade detergent without damaging the fittings.  It is also important to check water pressure before purchasing faucets and showerheads. This is because, some of these fittings require high pressure to function. Some of the fittings are however manufactured with this in mind and therefore have internal pressure building capacity to give one a calm and relaxing bath.  With sustainability in mind, most sanitary ware are manufactured with water and energy saving capabilities, however it is important to consult the supplier. For arid and semi-arid areas with low volumes of water, it is important to consider water saving features.
2. Available space
More space, more comfort.
Nowadays, space has become very expensive, whether it to rent or build. People have resulted in living in tiny homes or taking measures that can help save on space to reduce the general area. This has therefore led to reduction of bathroom space. This should not be a problem though because, manufacturers have come up with different designs and sizes of sanitary ware that can fit in very small spaces. Wash hand basins as small as 400mmx225mm have been manufactured. This is same for WCs and shower cubicles. Before purchase, one should measure the size of the bathroom and consult with the supplier on space efficient sanitary ware that should be installed to still maintain accessibility within the bathroom.
3. Functionality and User
Mixers may have been the greatest invention in the history of faucets. Back when water heaters did not exist, taking a shower was a task. When water heaters were invented, they made life easier, however controlling the temperature of water became a task. Manual mixers provided an easy way to control how much hot water one needed to add to provide the perfect shower experience. With technology nowadays, manufacturers have invented thermostatic mixers where one can digitally set the temperature of water for up to 5 members and digitize so that when one gets into the shower, setting the temperature of water will be just with one click. Manufactures have also become sensitive of the fact that some of these items are to be used by children and the aged therefore making it very easy to use.
4. Design
This is the best part of sanitary ware selection. When researching on the sanitary items you should purchase, one needs to check the style of their home and procure something that fits in this style. Manufacturers have become cognizant of the fact that designers are going a step ahead to design homes within different styles in bid to satisfy the clients need. This includes selecting light fittings and sanitary ware that fits best in the style. With this in mind, manufactures have provided different ranges to select from.  Collections such as Cape Cod, Bloomsbury, Retro nouveau etc. have a complete range that includes a WC, bidet, urinal, wash hand basin and bath tub that match and that afford the desired fit.
5. Authenticity and Warranties
Sanitary ware can be expensive. That said, one needs to consider authenticity of the items one intends to procure. Certain manufacturers such as Duravit, Bagnodesign, Hansgrohe, Keramag, Grohe, Kholer etc. have been in production for a long period of time and therefore their products have been time tested. That does not mean that one should not procure any other brands. However before doing so, one should check with the suppliers on authenticity of the brand and if warranties are given on purchase. This is important because one can make a lot of saving if a product is not visibly faulty at procurement and break down after installation.
Inspiration pour la Journee.
Home remodels are interesting projects to undertake as a person or as a family. How to remodel your bathroom  is an interesting article with a guide on bathroom remodels. Below is a link with an inspirational video on a DIY bathroom remodel. 

Monday, 12 February 2018

Designing for Pets.

Pets are considered as the perfect companion, well that is other than the significant other and the kids. People love pets because they bring life to a home. From dogs, to cats to other various animals, pets are considered as members of the family. Most times, people acquire pets for companionship, however sometimes, pets are recommended by healthcare specialists for disability assistance or to help with psychological issues. Different theories have been published on pets and emotional well being, some of which are contradicting. All in all, pets trigger ones emotions; the need to provide love and care for another. Different pets have different needs and therefore when designing homes for people with pets, it is necessary to provide comfortable places for them in the home. Pets are like young kids in some ways; they need special design elements for their comfort and for the owner’s ease in taking care of them.

Homes with pets require a lot of cleaning and tidying up. Pets do not care for their surrounding neither, do they help with the cleaning up after. Some are purely indoor pets, however others love spending time outdoors enjoying the sun and fresh air. With this in mind, one needs to consider floor and wall finishes that are easy to clean, do not show dust easily, do not scratch/chip when furniture is moved around and that do not damage easily with water. Marble and porcelain floors are highly advised as they come in very many finishes that can easily match any style of the home and are relatively easy to clean. Precast concrete floor finish has newly been adopted as an internal floor finish and is mostly implemented in industrial designs. However, lately this finish is being significantly used in contemporary and urban designs. These finishes however are cold. Therefore, one needs to provide rugs and cushions that are comfortable for the pet to sleep on.

Pets love free open spaces that they can effortlessly run around and play. When designing for pets, one needs to first think about access in and out of the home. Pet doors are quite common in the US and Europe, however in some areas, this is considered unsafe. Large corridors would be good for the big sized pets such and the greyhound dogs. Open plan house layouts are good because pets love companionship and therefore prefer to be in the same room as the owner at all times. Access in and out of different spaces needs to be thought about as pets do not stay in one place.  Pets need to have a consistent feeding, bathing and pooping area. This way it is easy to train them to use these facilities. It also makes it easy to clean the home. The laundry room in my opinion is the best place for this. This is because, one can custom make a shower tray for bathing and due to availability of water around, one can easy clean any spilled food and water.

Pets should have designated furniture in the home. Bean bags, beds and seats are quite common and can be bought in furniture shops or can easily be made as DIY items by crafty people. Pets ordinarily use furniture around the house such as couches, ottomans and even beds before training. Therefore, one needs consider using fabrics that are water/stain resistant, easy to clean, mold and mildew resistant, soil resistant and one that does not collect fur. The fabrics if washable also need to be those that have double rub counts and are not affected by detergent due to the heavy cleaning.  This way, one does not have to make covers for all the furniture and is easy to tidy up the home.

Inspiration pour la Journee.
Do you have a fury friend at home and have wondered how to accommodate them? Check out the video below for inspiration.

Pet Products

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Sustainability in Interior design

Sustainability is a priciple that has been adopted in Interior Design and Architecture This is due to the need to consider the impact of design to the environment. We are living in an era where Green design should be a consideration when coming up with any invention. All disciplines such as IT, Manufacturing, Construction etc are slowly adopting this principle to help save the planet. As "Green design is responsible design". Great Interior design is not only how it looks but also how it affects the surrounding. There are many priciples that can be adopted when designing for sustainability:

1. Longevity and Flexibility

How will the “now”design be used in the future?

When coming up with a design, one needs to think about the longevity of the concept and materials to be used. It is crucial for one to think about how the design works presently and if it can still work in the future for the same user. People and environments are consistently changing and therefore, one needs to consider how the design will adjust with this change. This thinking has led to invention of Modular systems that can fit in different types of settings. Materials used also needs to be durable to give close to a lifetime of service.

2. Energy efficiency.

When developing a design concept, one needs to think about the energy efficiency of each product mostly in its "afterlife". This is ideally its life while "In Use". Product designers have developed methods to reduce energy consumption while manufacturing design products. In the same breath, designers ought to think of ways to reduce energy consumption while designing spaces. Other than use of sustainable materials, one can consider heat retention solutions such as installation of insulation films on windows, use of fabrics that a can retain warmth and also use of floor/ wall finishes that are thermal insulators such as Laminates. 

 3.Low environmental impact

All materials have a life cycle i.e production till disposal. When selecting materials,one should think about this entire cycle.One should keenly check its source of raw, manufacturing process , transportation and installation of the product and also its method of disposal once its use has been exhausted. This then will help guide one in choosing materials that are renewable and do not have a negative effect to the environment.

 4. Waste reduction

The world is moving towards a "Zero waste" life. This way of life is becoming more popular by the day due to the effect waste has had on the enviromnent both ecologically and healthwise. With this in mind,one needs to develop a Recycle, Repurpose or Upcycle approach when designing a space. At the point of design, one needs relook the existing elements and see how they can be reused. Disposal should be the last resort. This will reduce the need for new elements and in turn help reduce depletion of natural rescources. 

 5. Design for simple living/minimalism  

Design needs not to be complex.The need for simple living has influenced people to begin adopting the “Tiny living concept”.A few years ago, there was a thinking that the bigger the space, the more complex the design and the more items incorporated, the more comfort and the aesthetics the space willl have. This over the recent past has been proven wrong. People need to change their mindset from the need to have big spaces to maximizing the use of the smaller spaces inorder to acieve the desired goal. This can be done by having simpler elements that have more funcion than one.

6. Healthy environments

When designing a healthy enviroment, one needs to consider the ventilation, acoustics, lighting, heating and the quality of air. These elements directly affect the health of the user. Architects generally consider these however, the designer needs to check and provide where need be. Natural solutions should be sought before settling for  mechanical aspects. Large windows with permanent ventilation should be considered to allow for light and free flow of air. Indoor plants should also be considered as they are a natural air purification solution.

7. Space efficiency

Good design is one that takes into account efficiency in use of the space. Open spaces provide better circulation. When coming up with a design, one needs to consider the circulation and how easily all functions are accessed and used. One also needs to consider how efficient all functions are  to prevent over or under provision.  

Inspiration pour la journee
Check out the video below from House and home on Ecofriendly design.